
Thanksgiving Timesheet Instructions

The Payroll Office would like to offer guidance for the new bi-weekly pay period that begins today, pay period Nov. 18 to Dec. 1, 2024. Please note that this message is not for pay period Nov. 4 to Nov. 17, which was due by Monday morning Nov. 18.

For next week, the University is closed Wednesday Nov. 27 through Friday Nov. 29.

Wednesday and Friday next week should be recorded as University Close, and Thursday next week should be recorded as Holiday on timesheets.

Please note: This only applies to regular full- and part-time staff. Temporary and student workers are not entitled to University Close and Holiday hours; temporary and student workers should only record Regular Pay (ST positions) or Extra/Overload Pay (TM positions) for hours actually physically worked. You must have prior approval from your supervisor to work during the closing.

We are now in the new Self-Service 9 version of the timesheets, you must use the “Preview” and then the “Submit” button to fully submit your timesheet after you have entered all time worked for the pay period.

It would be advisable to complete and submit timesheets in full before leaving for the break, especially if you are taking vacation and/or personal time before the University’s break officially begins.

You will have time when the University reopens on Monday morning, Dec. 2, to submit your timesheet. The timesheet deadlines will remain the same—employees have until 11 a.m. on Dec. 2 to submit, and supervisors have until 1 p.m. that same day to approve submitted timesheets.

Feel free to contact payroll if you have any questions.

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